It’s been a long wait, and we’ve gone through many ups and downs.
From difficulty finding common ground with converter manufacturers, to deciphering the best path in futureproofing the mix: analog 3.0 system, to gathering all the information from our users to help our somewhat small team build the best version of 3.0 possible, all of which is just a fraction of the long list of processes it takes to do something this special.
One thing can be said. All of us gave our hearts and souls into a dream.
A dream, that’s finally becoming a reality.
As much as the team is usually more cautious than I am when setting dates, the evidence seems to be pointing towards the Beta Version of Mix: Analog 3.0 being available from the 5th of July. Of course, as with all complex things in life, there’s always room for slight hiccups and roadblocks. But we’ve done a LOT.
Not only is our summing mixer completely ready, but the Neve 1084 has also been completely finished(except for the selectable hardware pad we’re adding, which should be done in a few days from now). This means that all hardware automation has been completed, as well as the GUI designs and front-end work. There are probably still minor tweaks to be done, and of course, I have to write up the descriptions you see on the gear front page when you view it, but most of the biggest hurdles are finally over.
To start, we’re including the 1084 and Summing Mixer in the 1-month long beta to test the stability and functionality on a larger group of people, ensuring that when we actually charge you for something, we can ethically know we’ve done our best to provide you, the customer, with a service that’s been properly tested and holds true to quality standards.
The beta will be open to all our customers that have a subscription to mix: analog, whether it’s the most expensive subscription or the cheapest. We want to give as many people the opportunity to get involved as possible and be a part of this journey.
Also, speaking of subscriptions, we’re going to be working on a method of increasing the value you receive in your subscriptions as we go into 3.0
We’re also changing the current subscription model to give you “minutes” applicable for any piece of gear equally, instead of subscription MAT. Customers will still be able to keep their previous MAT, and you’ll still be able to purchase MAT.
While we’re running our beta for a month, we’re going to be hard at work designing a way to seamlessly port all the hardware units over from 2.0 to 3.0. Of course, enormous complexities are involved, but the plans are all set. The idea would be, as the beta ends, we’ll simply move everything over to 3.0 and launch with all our gear and new features.
There’ll be changelogs, new educational videos, and of course, sexy b-roll footage of our gear in an entirely new media gallery.
Main New Features Available At Launch:
- Reference Tracks
- High Stability
- Custom Gear Chains, matching any gear with any gear
- 2 New Units, the 1084 and Summing Mixer(Neve, API, Redd47), with our custom-designed mix: analog pultec(with a neve transformer) to shortly follow, which combines both the meq5 and the eqp-1a eq bands.
- Brand New Mix: Analog 3.0 GUI, completely revamped user experience and session set up, looping, ability to select specific points in the song to loop, and the introduction of a high-quality Digital EQ and Digital Brickwall limiter(at launch or shortly after) to use in situations that require it, letting you have the tools you need to deal with any situation.
- Improved Subscription Model, focusing on providing more value.
- Introduction of the first few superstar mixing and mastering chains, giving you the option to start your session with the exact chain and settings a famous mixing or mastering engineer uses on a source.
- New and Improved Feedback, Help, and Support System
- 10x Increased user load capacity
- Ability to bypass all gear at once in a way that’s ideal for before and after comparisons, ensuring you don’t alter the audio level when bypassing, so you’re not being fooled by any gain differences.
- New High-Quality Transparent Converters(Antelope Galaxy 64)
We’ve also got quite an exciting roadmap for the year that we’re taking one step at a time, methodically ticking off the boxes, ensuring we get each thing right.
I’d just like to give a big thanks to our front-end development team, back-end development team, design team, product design team, hardware team, and everyone else that’s been involved in this massive project.
It’s time to launch the greatest development to your cloud-based analog experience ever seen.
Goodbye, Mix: Analog 2.0 of old, Hello to Mix: Analog 3.0, the future, where Music Producers, Mixing Engineers, Musicians, and Mastering Engineers can all come together for a common goal. To make GREAT music, and realize their best potential.
Until Next Time,
Austin Summers,
Mix: Analog