We've come across this 1176 compressor #ProTip recently and it's just too good not to share it with you!
It might be obvious to those already familiar with the UREI 1176, but for those not completely sure read below how to use it to get the best results, here is the video version with Greg explaining the settings and uses for vocals:
What's even better, the 1176 at mixanalog is FREE for half an hour per day for everyone! The settings from this video will be waiting for you in the presets menu. It's truly a one-stop-shop for present, stable and lively vocals! It will give them power and depth.

How to apply 1176 settings on mix:analog
On this compressor, the Attack and Release knobs work backward from normal. Instead of fast to the left and slow to the right like most compressors, it’s the opposite.
You can use the 1176 settings as pictured above or use them as a starting point and dial in the exact amount of compression your vocal track will need.
The slowest setting is at 7 o’clock and the fastest at 5 o’clock. Many engineers set the attack at 10 o’clock and the release at 2 o’clock. Greg says he usually prefers the same attack and release settings he’s using for this session instead.
We also saved the 1176 preset as "Greg Wells Vocals" preset under the Recall menu. Keep in mind that this is the only compressor on mix:analog that is mono and not stereo - so you will not be able to process a stereo track in one go.
If you do need to process a stereo track - like a vocal stem track - split the track into a left and a right track or even better, into a mid and a side track, then compress each component individually.